Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Pimpin' All Over The World by Ludacris

I choose to write my blog this week about the song “Pimping all over the world” by Ludacris. This song has big gender issue that arises in society. The difference between males and females have in many sexual partners and treated differently for it. If a man has many sexual partners, he is considered a played or a pimp as the song portrays. On the contrary, if a women is has many sexual partners she is considered a hoe or slut. Men in this instance are seen in a strong and positive light while women are shown as objects for men. If a woman would have sang this song I do not believe it would have been taken very well. With out a doubt it would not have been the same song in any way. The meaning of the song probably wouldn't have changed the much but the way the listeners would have perceived it would seem to changed the whole meaning. I really don’t know if this song would sell or not. On one hand the song may be liked by the general public but then again it would be extremely strange to listen to.


hsage0707 said...

I am mad at you for not sticking with First Date. That is all I have to say :)

James Noble said...

I was going to use First Date by Blink 182. I had already wrote it but then my computer dyed and I lost it. So instead of spending another 2 hrs. explaining all the differences, I went a more cut and dry one. Sorry

Unknown said...

Good point! Guys can be with many females and are seen as "cool." If a female is with many males she is called many names and is not well liked.

Unknown said...

I definitely agree with you. There's definitely a double standard regarding those issues.