Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Dance Music

If i had to choose the music I listen to the most when I am in a dancing mood, it would have to be Rap or Dub-step. I guess why I like to dance to it the most would because of the heavy beats they usually have. Most commonly with Dub-step and Rap songs, the beats they have are syncopated and make it very easy to dance to. Going along with that, these genres normally are associated with synthesizers which just gives it a more dancey feel. There are always different dance music for different dancing situations. The music used for dancing at teen dances, weddings, and hoedowns are all different. Teen dances normally use the music that is more modern with the time period. As with weddings, people use more upbeat happy dance music and even go as far as having polkas during the reception. Hoedowns are completely different. The music for hoedowns are normally country, westerns, or western movie soundtracks. There all tones of different situations where different types of music are used. Rap and Dub-step are just the easiest for me to get "jiggy with it". If you did not understand my last reference, then you should go listen to Will Smith. If you did not know Will Smith was music artist, or singer, and only thought he was a movie star, then I have lost respect for you. Sorry.


hsage0707 said...

I agree with you. It is easy to dance to songs with heavy, fast beats. And I think that different styles of dances, like a hoedown, call for different style of music. Good blog.

James Noble said...

I thought you only liked to dance to slow music. LOL

Manfred said...

I don't know how you dance to rap but I also enjoy listening to the hard beats. Dubstep has beats on a whole other level though.

James Noble said...

Now that I really think about it...I really don't see how anyone dances to Rap. Its more like a swaying to a beat i guess.

Unknown said...

Good blog. I definitely agree with you that there are always different dance music for different dancing situations.