Thursday, October 4, 2012

Religion in music

I believe the importance of a person’s religion or spirituality on their music strictly depends on the individual person. For example, if a Christian were to sing a song that has aspects of other religions in it, I do not think it necessarily means they aren’t being true to themselves, because they are just showing a different perspective, but if the song is strictly about a different religion from their own I personally do think it’s a little strange. To me, it doesn’t make much sense for a person to sing a religious song that is not regarding their own religion. But depending on the views of the particular person listening to the song may or may not devalue the song. Personally, a Christian song would have more value if it’s sang by a Christian just because I know the singer actually believes and connects with what they are singing. However, some people prefer to simply focus on the song being sung and not worry about the artist’s views. That is perfectly fine as well, it all just depends on your own beliefs.  I also think it’s up to the artist making the music to decide whether or not to avoid using a different religion then their own in their music. They have to decide whether or not what they are going to sing about is making them untrue to themselves and whether or not singing about a different religion is right or wrong. Everyone will have a different perspective.

1 comment:

Lorren Newingham said...

I really love your perspective because it is all inclusive. You looked at the problem from all sides. It was a very critical way to view this blog. Great blog.