Tuesday, October 9, 2012

favorite topic

I would have to say that my favorite topic was Music and gender. I liked the other topics a lot but nothing stuck out to me more than the roles men and women play in music. One of the things that facinated me the most was the differences in roles in the different time periods. In "its my party I can cry if I want to", women were made to look more dependable on men. In today's society, women make themselves look stronger. Men Had an important role as well. Although, it was not suprizing that men were portrayed to be cheaters and liars, and still are portrayed that way, even in there own music. I really liked learning about the Balinese Gamelan too. There music mostly consisted of what sounded like rhythmic beating on pots and pans, but how they worked together to create different rhythms was really cool. I also thought that the Laments were interesting. The example that we listened to was really sad sounding, but I thought it was interesting how they had a specific type of music made for mourning the dead. And of course, the leading man Siegfried. I am a huge fan of THE LORD OF THE RINGS and it was really cool to hear some of the history that had influence the books and movies. I liked learning about all of the different motives used to portray certain people or objects. Overall, I thought it was the best topic.


James Noble said...

Every blog I have read so far has liked the section on gender the best. I am glad we all agree. Lol

Lorren Newingham said...

This was my favorite topic as well. I will have to be honest I was shocked this was your favorite topic. Then you explained why it was your favorite and now it makes complete sense. Your view on this subject was very well developed. Also I think it is the sociological perspective that compelled all of us to this subject. Good blog!

Unknown said...

I really liked that topic as well for the same reason you did. I found learning about the different roles men and women played through the different eras really interesting.

hsage0707 said...

Yeah gender plays a HUGE role on music that us college kids listen to today!