Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Native American Ethnicity

This song is an example of Native American music. I really enjoy being of Native American decent because I admire the way they made their instruments. Aside from their chants they included in their songs, they also had to make their own instruments. For example every instrument they made, they made it out of natural commodities. I did some research and I discovered a couple of things I did not already previously know. For instance, in order to make a drum, the Indians had to carve out the insides of a hollow log to make the frame of the drum and then they sewed an animal's hide to the top of the frame so one could strike the drum to have it make noise. An other unique instrument they made was what they called a rattle. They made these from turtle shells, horns from buffalos, and even gourds. They filled these items with pebbles and used them to create rhythm to their music. Knowing these facts has influenced me to do more research about my ethnicity and it makes me appreciative of who I am because of how intriguing my ancestors are. Indians went so far as to making flutes out of either bird bones, bamboo, or wood. I think Native American music is peaceful. Like many ethnic groups, Native Americans also tell stories in their songs. I have really developed an interest in my ethnic background. I wish I could go back to the past and relive what kinds of experiences my ancestors did. I am proud of what they have done because without them, I would not be here today.

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