Thursday, October 25, 2012

2012 Presidential Ads

The background music for these ads certainly set the mood for the candidates' messages they are trying to put out for their audience. The music in the first video on youtube I watched was really fast and upbeat violin music. It was putting Romney down. It compared what he had said in 2002 when he ran for govenor of Massachusetts to what he is saying now about being president in 2012. It basically showed that he essentially has done absolutely nothing to increase the number of jobs in Massachusetts. By this time the upbeat music switched from violin to upbeat, yet gloomy piano music. It is a very negative ad for Romney's reputation. As a matter of fact, a lot of the Romney ads I searched for were negative and put him down. I found more positive ads supporting Obama than I did for Romney. I found an ad for Obama that was really upbeat and people in the background were cheering and the music was loud and enthusiastic to Obama's message. Music plays a huge role in these election campaigns. As I mentioned before, it sets the mood for the points they are trying to put across to their viewers.


Manfred said...

I agree that music plays an important role in the election campaigns. We both make similar remarks in our blogs.

Lorren Newingham said...

I as well found more negative ads for Mitt Romney than Obama. The music in the background is a very deceptive tool.

James Noble said...

After reading your bog and looking deeper into it, it does seem that Romney has more negative ads that Obama. Good job catching that.