Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Religion and Music

A person's religion and/or spirituality may or may not be important to the music they produce. It all depends on the producer. If the person is a part of a Christian band, then it is highly important for him or her to express his or her religion in song. That is what sells their music. It would be strange for their audience to hear their music that did not somewhere talk about God or any other religious aspect. On another note, some producers, such as pop singers do not always express their religion. Yes, they may have a religion they practice, but they do not incorparate it into their music. But it is for that reason why their music sells. They do not have to feel inclined to express any spirituality because it is not expected. In fact, it may be shocking to their audience if they did. A person of one religion should not express something that is not in their own line of beliefs. If they did, it would devalue the musical experience. It should definitely be avoided because their music would not sell and they would make a fool out of themselves. Why would someone express something they do not believe in? It would make him or her look "fake." It would completely distort who they are and the way their audience looks at them. Religion and spirituality is and is not an important aspect to the music they produce--it all depends on the way one looks at the question. One must really think of who is producing the music and why they are producing it to answer the question.


Unknown said...

this is true. There are several artists that I know who have religious backgrounds, yet they do not incorperate it into their music. good blog.

James Noble said...

After reading your blog I really see the similarities between them. Great mind think alike i guess. Lol

Lorren Newingham said...

I see your perspective. However, was your viewpoint changed by any of the examples given in class? I don't believe it should have changed your viewpoint. I guess what I want to ask is, what about the version of "Silent Night" by Barbara Streisand? Do you still have the same perspective? Good blog.